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· 2 min read
Niek Hagen

As a form builder, NiekForm is designed to make it easy for developers to create and implement forms on their websites and applications. However, one of the biggest challenges of working with forms is protecting them from spam. Spam submissions can clog up your form data and make it difficult to find and process legitimate submissions. This is where NiekForm's honeypot technology comes in.

A honeypot is a hidden field in a form that is designed to trap spam submissions. It works by adding a field to the form that is invisible to human users but easily visible to spam bots. When a spam bot fills out the form, it includes information in the honeypot field, which NiekForm's spam filter can then use to detect and reject the spam submission.

The Advantages of Honeypots

Honeypots are a highly effective way of combating spam, as they do not rely on traditional spam filters that can be easily circumvented by sophisticated spam bots. Instead, honeypots use a more direct approach, trapping the spam bots before they have a chance to submit their spam. This makes them a highly effective way of protecting your forms from spam.

NiekForm's Honeypot Technology

NiekForm uses honeypots as part of its built-in spam filter. When a form is created using NiekForm, a honeypot field is automatically added to the form. This field is invisible to users but easily detectable by spam bots, making it a highly effective tool in the fight against spam.

One of the great things about NiekForm's honeypot technology is that it is completely self-hosted and open source. This means that you have complete control over your form data, and can modify the code to fit your specific needs. NiekForm also provides documentation and support for its honeypot technology, making it easy for developers to implement and use.


In conclusion, NiekForm's honeypot technology is a highly effective tool for protecting your forms from spam. By using honeypots as part of its built-in spam filter, NiekForm provides a direct and effective way of combating spam submissions. And with NiekForm being open source and self-hosted, you have complete control over your form data, making it a great choice for developers looking for a flexible and secure form builder.

· 6 min read
Niek Hagen

As a developer, managing forms always happens with a love-hate relationship. You love seeing new submissions and interacting with your users - seeing something you built come to life. But integrating forms? That's a whole different story. Forms are essential for gathering information from users and provide a simple and effective way to collect data. However, setting up a server and integrating a form can be a time-consuming and frustrating process. This is where NiekForm comes in.

NiekForm is an open source headless form builder that is specifically designed for developers. With its cutting-edge technology on the latest stack (React, Next, Tailwind, Prisma) and versatility, NiekForm offers a range of features and benefits to make form building a seamless process.

How NiekForm Works

The process of creating a form with NiekForm is straightforward and intuitive. You start by using the admin interface to design your form. This interface is user-friendly and offers a wide range of customization options, allowing you to create forms that match your specific needs. We currently support the following form elements:

  • Text input
  • Text area
  • Email
  • Number
  • Checkbox

Once your form is created, you can easily copy and integrate it into any web platform you like. NiekForm is API-based, meaning that the forms you create can be shaped to fit any desired structure. This level of customization gives developers the freedom to get creative with their forms and tailor them to specific needs. When a user submits a form, the data is sent to the NiekForm API, which then processes the data and stores it in a database. You can then view or export the data as needed.

Self-Hosting or self-managing

One of the key benefits of using NiekForm is that it can be self-hosted or self-managed. This gives developers the flexibility to choose the platform that works best for them. For example, if you prefer to self-host, you can use any VPS on Digitalocean, AWS, Hetzner and Raspberry PI or whatever you like. Or if you prefer to self-manage you can do so with Vercel, PlanetScale, Supabase, Netlify or whatever you like.

Having the option to self-host or self-manage also means that you have full control over the security and privacy of your forms. You can ensure that your data is safe and secure, without having to rely on a third-party service. You own your data and you can do whatever you want with it.

Customization and Integration

NiekForm offers a high degree of customization, making it a versatile solution for any web development project. The API-based structure of NiekForm allows for a high level of flexibility, and you can shape your forms to fit any desired structure. This means that you can create forms that are tailored to specific needs, and integrate them into your web platform with ease.

In addition to the customization options, NiekForm also offers a wide range of integration options. You can easily integrate NiekForm with your preferred front-end framework, allowing you to use your preferred tools and technologies. This makes NiekForm a valuable tool for any web development project.

User-Friendly Interface

The admin interface of NiekForm is user-friendly and easy to use. This makes it simple for developers to create forms and integrate them into their web platforms. The interface also offers a wide range of customization options, allowing you to create forms that match your specific needs.

Advantages of Using NiekForm

NiekForm offers numerous benefits for developers, including:

  • Open source license: With NiekForm's open source license, you have the ability to access and modify the source code as needed. This means you can customize the platform to fit your specific requirements.

  • Headless architecture: NiekForm is headless, meaning that it can be integrated with any front-end framework. This allows developers to use their preferred tools and technologies, making it a versatile solution for any web development project.

  • API-based structure: The API-based structure of NiekForm allows for a high level of flexibility, and you can shape your forms to fit any desired structure. This means that you can create forms that are tailored to specific needs, and integrate them into your web platform with ease.

  • Self-hosting or self-managing: NiekForm can be self-hosted or self-managed, giving developers the flexibility to choose the platform that works best for them. This also means that you have full control over the security and privacy of your forms.

Implementing NiekForm for Your Web Forms

The first step in using NiekForm is to create a form using the admin interface. This interface is user-friendly and intuitive, making it easy for developers of all skill levels to create a form quickly and efficiently. Once the form has been created, it can be easily integrated into any web platform using the form's API.

NiekForm's API is highly versatile, allowing developers to shape the form to their specific needs. Whether you want to collect customer information, process payments, or anything in between, NiekForm has the capability to handle it. The API is also well documented, providing developers with all the information they need to get started.

One of the biggest advantages of using NiekForm is that it is completely headless. This means that it can be integrated into any front-end framework or web platform without having to worry about compatibility issues. This makes NiekForm a highly versatile solution for developers looking to add forms to their websites and applications.

The Benefits of Open Source

NiekForm is an open source form builder, which provides several benefits over proprietary solutions. Firstly, open source solutions are typically more cost-effective, as there are no licensing fees involved. Secondly, open source solutions are often more secure, as the code is open for inspection and improvement by the community. Finally, open source solutions offer greater flexibility, as developers can modify the code to fit their specific needs.


In conclusion, NiekForm is a highly versatile, open source headless form builder that is perfect for developers. Its API-based design makes it easy to integrate into any web platform, and its headless architecture allows for maximum flexibility. Whether you're looking to add forms to your website, process payments, or anything in between, NiekForm is the perfect solution for your needs.